
Data-VR was an exploration in data visualizations in virtual reality, built in 3 weeks on a team with Daniel Ong and Jing Jia.

Our traditional first approach took real datasets in .csv format and translated the datapoints into VR coordinates. We have scatterplot and barchart functionality.

The second project Bitcoin-VR (previously named Blockchain-VR) abstracted real-time Bitcoin transactions into an experience.

We recently launched Bitcoin-VR mid-December.


Data-VR cluster screenshot Data-VR cluster with dividends, price, and earnings screenshot Data-VR barchart single screenshot Data-VR barchart 3 rows of data screenshot Blockchain-VR transaction screenshot Blockchain-VR transaction with blimp data readout screenshot Blockchain-VR balloon transaction screenshot looking up at the sky Blockchain-VR many transaction screenshot full of balloons
Data-VR and Blockchain-VR screenshots.
