Blog 360

Blog 360 was built in 3 days on a solo hackathon project. I explore what a travel blog website would look like in virtual reality.

Check out the source code:


Blog30 home view, Welcome to Blog360 on middle panel, Seattle and Oakland on left panel, Place menu on right, world map with waypoints on bottom panel Blog30 Eastern Europe landing page, background of Prague Castle, world map highlighting Eastern Europe, and Germany and filler on right panel Blog30 Germany view, background is the Berlin wall with different Germany photos on left to select Blog30 the Hide menu feature, highlighting hide button Blog30 the Hide panel feature, hide button clicked, button says show Blog30 the Hide panel feature, if you're lost just look down, there's another show button Blog30 street art of a detailed bull in black and white with red Blog30 street art of a detailed dragon
Blog 360 screenshots.


Short 4 minute presentation of the navigation, UI, and fun 360 content.